Solar Power For My Home

Build Your Own Solar Panel System For Just A Fraction Of The Retail Cost. Make 100% Off The Grid For Your Home

Successfully Makes Home 100% Off The Grid By Build Own Solar Panel

An American Man Successfully Makes His Home 100% Off The Grid After Angry With The Power Company That Has Raised Electricity Rates. You Won't Believe How He Does It! 

John Hartman of South Carolina had never thought that he would make his home 100% of the grid. He is a 42-year-old man very happy with his current life beside his wife and two daughters. His home is now 100% of the grid and they do not have to worry anymore about electricity rates.
A few years ago he noticed electricity rates were going up and up so just like any money conscious American would, he decided to do something about it.

- He replaced all of his lights bulbs for those expensive energy saving ones. 
- He turned off power switches at the wall.
- And even turned off heaters in winter despite the freezing conditions!

            After all of this he managed to save a paltry $16 of my next electric bill! Then, to top it off, he looked closer at the bill and noticed the rates have increased! He was furious, he was fed up... No matter how hard he worked to reduce his power and heating costs, the electric company would come back and smack him in the face with increased rates. He had absolutely zero control, he felt like he had given his bank details to the power company and power company were taking whatever they wanted!

            That when he decided to look into getting solar power! And just like everybody else, he started calling Solar Power companies for a quote. He also the type of guy that's always looking to save money. So when his was quoted thousands of dollars for just a few panels he was furious! He said “Get this; they wanted me to pay over $6000 for something that wouldn't even cover my power bill!”

            He knew there had to be another way - This was the day he started to become obsessed with the thought of creating his own "mini power plant". He researched for months like read journals, spoke with professionals and he still couldn't "crack the code".

            A few months later he got a reply from an underground professional in the solar industry. An underground professional called Michael Harvey wanted to meet with him in person to share what he's been working on.

            Mike share with John that he pays absolutely ZERO to the electric company, hasn't done for the last 11 years. Mike has been completely off-grid and independent with his DIY solar, wind and heating setup. So no matter what energy prices do, Michael and his family isn't affected!

            John remembers the first time he met Michael, he and Micheal sat down at a local coffee shop and John asked Micheal about his off-grid home and how it all worked.  What Mike told John that day was the biggest eye opener of John life.  In fact, John was jealous! Mike told John how to build EVERYTHING own self for a fraction of retail cost. Yes - Mike can build own solar panel!

            Michael gave him some very rough plans on a napkin to get started. He was so excited to start generating my own independent source of energy for his family that he couldn't wait another day. So as soon as he squeezed as much info from Michael as he could he rushed home, took out Michaels rather primitive napkin plans and got to work.

            He purchased super inexpensive solar panel kits online. Then he drove down to the own local hardware store, where his buddy Bill worked... he told Bill what he was doing, and purchased all of the materials he needed right there. He took his plans to the backyard and got to work. He completed own first solar panel in just one afternoon! When Michael said it was simple he was actually a bit skeptical, he didn't think it would be this easy.

            In just a few days he was completely setup, he was just sitting back waiting his next power bill to arrive.

            From that moment on he started to see significant savings on his power bill each month... Much more than he was able to achieve from just conserving energy. He then added the final blow to his power bill, a wind turbine...

...And he ought felt in complete control over his electricity bills ever since. Something he has been waiting to do for over a decade. He called the power company and he said: "Please disconnect my electricity account, I'm going off-grid!"